October 20, 2023 0 Feminist Fightback Statement of Solidarity with Palestine Statement Feminist Fightback offers its unwavering solidarity for Palestine. We stand in solidarity with all [...]
October 3, 2023 0 Report back on 2nd of September action The write up of the day is still being drafted. Bear with us, there is a lot to say! Images courtesy of [...]
March 14, 2023 0 January 2023 workshop on the Gender Politics of the Hard Right The Gender Politics of the Hard Right – a workshop to educate and build resistance 28 January 2023 Part I [...]
March 9, 2023 0 Sexual harassment at the TSSA Union: The Kennedy report In February the Kennedy report into sexual harassment at the Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association [...]
October 28, 2022 0 Why Feminists Must Support Free Movement This is an article written by Rayah Feldman of Feminist Fightback, first published in the newspaper of the [...]
October 28, 2022 0 Why Trans Liberation Must be Part of the Feminist Fightback When we formed about 15 years ago, Feminist Fightback described ourselves as open to all self-defining women, [...]
September 30, 2022 0 In support of decriminalising abortion in the UK In light of the Supreme Court of the United States’ recent overturning of Roe versus Wade, Feminist [...]
June 30, 2022 0 Critique of Population Matters’ report ‘Welcome to Gilead’ Recently in Feminist Fightback we discussed the Population Matters report: ‘Welcome to Gilead – [...]
May 26, 2022 0 Why we need feminist solidarity with Ukraine Why we need feminist solidarity with Ukraine Feminist Fightback has been in touch with feminists from [...]
November 3, 2021 0 Demonstration at Royal Courts of Justice – Raising the alarm on police violence against women Demonstration at Royal Courts of Justice On Tuesday 2 November at 15:30 we joined Sisters Uncut, Women of [...]
October 16, 2021 0 Demonstration at BT headquarters- privatised surveillance won’t keep us safe Demonstration at BT headquarters- privatised surveillance won’t keep us safe A small but vocal group [...]
October 9, 2021 0 Monitor the Police, Not Women: 10 October 2021, BT Centre As Priti Patel and BT engage in talks about a mobile app to track women walking home at night, we’re [...]
October 3, 2021 0 Class Struggle on the Riverbank: £300 raised for Kill the Bill Prisoners’ Fund Feminist Fightback’s radical history walking tour around Bermondsey on 19 September raised £300 for the [...]
June 9, 2021 0 Hope in difficult times: solidarity with political prisoners in India Feminist Fightback joined South Asian diaspora activists and allies in Trafalgar Square in London on Sunday 6 [...]
June 1, 2021 0 Gathering in Solidarity with Political Prisoners in India: 6 June 2021 Gathering in Solidarity on Sunday 6 June 2021 Trafalgar Square, London It is one year since Natasha Narwal [...]
April 28, 2021 0 5 Reasons Why Feminists Must #KillTheBill 1. The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill brings in 10 year sentences for damaging memorials. A direct [...]
March 14, 2021 0 Policing and Patriarchy The murder of Sarah Everard, the 33 year old woman who disappeared while walking home in south London, has [...]
October 6, 2020 0 They are not innocent: Jail Golden Dawn This Wednesday 7th October 2020, after five and a half years the longest trial in Greek history, that of the [...]
June 2, 2020 0 Police Brutality Home and Away Feminist Fightback stands in solidarity with African-American and anti-racist protesters in the United [...]
June 1, 2020 0 The Political Urgency of the Public Toilet I’ve been spending much of the pandemic practising peeing standing up. In the shower. Carefully following [...]
May 20, 2020 0 Let justice prevail: how the case of the rape and murder of Eleni Topaloudi set an important precedent in Greece (warning for potentially triggering details of sexual and physical abuse and violence, murder) At the end of [...]
May 7, 2020 0 Cleaners, carers and sex workers: how feminised industries have been hit hardest during the pandemic. This was given as a talk at an online panel organised by Another Europe is Possible, entitled ‘The Covid [...]
March 21, 2020 0 Advice for UK Covid-19 Mutual Aid groups on Refugees & Asylum Seekers **** NB This is a live document and a work in progress – please email Student Action for Refugees to [...]
March 20, 2020 0 Covid 19 is proof that migrant healthcare charges are unsafe and inhumane Feminist Fightback had been due on 23 March to do an open-air screening of a new film by Lucy Parker about [...]
March 1, 2020 0 Clarification in relation to the Women’s Liberation at 50 conference in Oxford Members of Feminist Fightback were amongst the speakers at the Women’s Liberation at 50 conference in [...]
October 31, 2019 0 Film Night collection donated to Athens feminist migrant solidarity initiative For our last film night in reaction to the migrant squat evictions in Athens from the new government we [...]
September 7, 2019 0 Feminism and migrants’ rights at the centre: Feminist Fightback’s speech to the Demand Democracy demo Full text of Feminist Fightback’s speech at the #stopthecoupdemo today: “Feminist Fightback has [...]
September 2, 2019 0 Solidarity with migrant squats in Greece After the July elections in Greece, the new government has lost no time in putting it’s agenda into action, [...]
September 1, 2019 0 What the hell is going on? Notes from Feminist Fightback 1/9/19 What is going on? Many people are calling Johnson’s proroguing parliament a coup (this was one of the [...]
August 18, 2019 0 Will the fight against climate change mean more housework for women? Feminist Fightback has been discussing the gender politics of the environmentalist movement, and what a [...]
May 8, 2019 0 Statement from Antifa Nicosia in relation to the serial murders of migrant women in Cyprus The following text is a translation of their original statement in Greek that can be found here. Solidarity [...]
March 16, 2019 0 Solidarity with New Zealand Muslim community Feminist Fightback stands in solidarity with the New Zealand Muslim community and with all those who live [...]
February 14, 2019 0 St Hilda’s Feminist Festival: Feminism against Fascism and Borders panel talk Feminist Fightback is excited to have been invited to talk at this year’s St Hilda’s annual [...]
December 27, 2018 0 Twenty-first century feminism must be intersectional: Solidarity with the Stansted 15 Throughout history, most political struggles for dignity and justice have initially broadened rights for a [...]
November 6, 2018 0 COURAGE CALLS FOR HEALTHCARE FOR ALL This morning, dressed as suffragettes, we changed the sign on the new Millicent Fawcett statue in Parliament [...]
October 28, 2018 0 Standing together with Pittsburgh Feminist Fightback stands in solidarity with Jews around the world who have watched with mounting anxiety as [...]
October 22, 2018 0 Solidarity with the Justice for Zak campaign “On Friday, September 21, Zak Kostopoulos, an activist of the LGBTIQ+ movement, HIV positive, antifascist [...]
August 22, 2018 0 The use of PSPO’s to protect abortion clinics from anti choice protesters: an anti-capitalist feminist response The rise of harassment tactics by the religious right outside abortion clinics is an issue Feminist Fightback [...]
July 3, 2018 0 Feminists against borders in the NHS On Sunday 1st July, Feminist Fightback joined the Patients Not Passports bloc as part of the NHS 70th [...]
February 22, 2018 0 Solidarity with the Yarl’s Wood Hunger Strikers On 21st February 2018, a hunger strike by women detainees at Yarl’s Wood began in protest at the [...]
September 27, 2017 0 Struggling for Our Lives When we’re deciding whether or not to have children, where and how to bring them up, when, and with whom, [...]
May 15, 2017 0 Hunger Strikes at Yarl’s Wood Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre was the Labour government’s “flagship” detention centre [...]
August 26, 2016 0 Eurostar Rail Workers — Striking a Blow for Feminism! It may seem an unlikely comparison, but the mainly male Eurostar rail workers on strike this August bank [...]
July 11, 2016 0 Solidarity with Migrants! It is alarming that incidents of racism in the wake of the EU referendum result have increased dramatically, [...]
June 30, 2016 0 Feminism and the Somme? Women and the First World War By Laura Schwartz This was first given as a talk at the anarchist bookfair in East London, October 2014. We [...]
April 27, 2016 0 Message of solidarity to doctors on strike! Feminist Fightback sends a message of solidarity to the doctors on strike on 26th and 27th April 2016 This [...]
April 16, 2016 0 Our Bodies! Our Lives! Abortion rights in the UK and all over Europe are increasingly being threatened by the rise of conservative [...]
April 13, 2016 0 Reproductive Justice Worldwide Last Sat (9th April) Feminist Fightback was amongst the hundreds of demonstrators at the Polish embassy [...]
April 3, 2016 0 Sign up to our statement! Direct action on April 16th Feminist Fightback have written a statement about our reproductive justice direct action on April 16th. If [...]