Reproductive Justice Worldwide

Last Sat (9th April) Feminist Fightback was amongst the hundreds of demonstrators at the Polish embassy against the proposed ban on abortion.
Abortion in Poland has been illegal since 1993, except in cases of rape or a lethal threat to the health of the woman or foetus. Now the Catholic church has drafted changes that would outlaw it even these cases.
Across Europe in recent years, the abortion question is back up for public debate. That this is happening during a time of capitalist crisis is no coincidence. In this article we want to explore an apparent paradox: some states are promoting an ideology of ‘the family’ and making it harder for women to access abortions at a time of high unemployment and a surplus population (i.e. a population surplus to the needs of capital), at the same time as implementing policies that makes childrearing much harder.
We believe abortion is not just about a woman’s individual “right” or “choice”. And it is not only a feminist struggle. This fight is inseparable from a bigger one — against the capitalist system and, right now, against austerity.
Have you signed our statement on reproductive justice?
Join us this Saturday to stop the anti-abortionists from hassling women outside a clinic in London.
Further Reading / Watching / Listening / Distributing: Statement on reproductive justice (2016) Leaflet on fighting for reproductive justice (April 2016) Report of the demonstration at the Polish embassy against the proposed ban on abortion (April 2016) Presentation @ Connecting European Struggles; Feminism in the Crisis Conference in Sweden (Sept 2015) Video featuring last year’s action in Stratford (May 2015) Leaflet explaining why it is our right to decide (May 2015) Report describing the action with photos (May 2015) Summary outlining the tactical debates about abortion clinic vigils (Sept 2013) Analysis of the attacks on reproductive rights in relation to austerity (April 2013) Research into the threat of privatisation to abortion rights (April 2012)