May 26, 2022 0 Why we need feminist solidarity with Ukraine Why we need feminist solidarity with Ukraine Feminist Fightback has been in touch with feminists from [...]
November 3, 2021 0 Demonstration at Royal Courts of Justice – Raising the alarm on police violence against women Demonstration at Royal Courts of Justice On Tuesday 2 November at 15:30 we joined Sisters Uncut, Women of [...]
October 16, 2021 0 Demonstration at BT headquarters- privatised surveillance won’t keep us safe Demonstration at BT headquarters- privatised surveillance won’t keep us safe A small but vocal group [...]
May 20, 2020 0 Let justice prevail: how the case of the rape and murder of Eleni Topaloudi set an important precedent in Greece (warning for potentially triggering details of sexual and physical abuse and violence, murder) At the end of [...]
May 8, 2019 0 Statement from Antifa Nicosia in relation to the serial murders of migrant women in Cyprus The following text is a translation of their original statement in Greek that can be found here. Solidarity [...]
November 28, 2015 0 Reclaim the Night Feminist Fightback understands that challenging direct and indirect threats and acts of violence towards [...]
March 29, 2013 0 Solidarity with Caroline Leneghan from Feminist Fightback Re posted statement from Caroline Leneghan Domestic Violence and International Women’s day RMT Today I [...]
August 29, 2012 0 Feminist Avengers Visit George Galloway MP Today Ethel MacDonald, Artistic Director for the Feminist Avengers stated: “The Feminist Avengers call [...]
November 21, 2011 0 How should we ‘Reclaim the Night’? The Reclaim the Night March takes place this year on 26th November. Come join our red umbrella contingent [...]
June 28, 2011 0 Slutwalk? Slutwalk? Feminist Fightback hosted a discussion to begin to think through some of the complex issues raised [...]
May 23, 2011 0 Politics of Slutwalk: Reading Group and Discussion Reading group and discussion on the politics of Slutwalk. Wed 1st June 7-9pm, Bishopsgate Institute, London [...]
April 28, 2011 0 Justice for Zara On Saturday 23 April between 10am and 1pm supporters of Zara Senkan leafleted customers of The Original Tour, [...]
May 18, 2010 0 report from the struggle continues… women’s liberation 40 years on In 1970, 560 women came together at Ruskin College, Oxford for the first UK women’s liberation conference. [...]
April 25, 2010 0 And the Struggle Continues: Women’s Liberation 40 Years On… In 1970 hundreds of women gathered for a free conference at Ruskin College that would launch the Second Wave [...]
January 30, 2010 0 Another Valentine’s Day Special… [callout title=‘Sex, Work, and Sex Work: Building a feminist analysis and a feminist struggle’] Sunday, [...]
November 25, 2009 0 Reclaim the Night: a space for all feminists? The follow text has been sent to the London Feminist Network, lead organisers of the 2009 London Reclaim the [...]
May 28, 2009 0 What the Other Feminists Look Like… What: An evening of making trouble, sharing ideas and planning ways for women to fight back against the [...]
January 10, 2009 0 Do something different this Valentine’s Day- make a date with feminists! [callout title=GENDER/ RACE/ CLASS: AN ANTI-CAPITALIST FEMINIST EVENT] Saturday 14 February 10.30am-6.30 pm, [...]
October 28, 2008 0 Reclaim the Night! Feminist Fightback joined the Red Umbrella Bloc on the Reclaim the Night March on Saturday 22 November 2008. [...]
February 28, 2008 0 Fightback Statement for Million Women Rise March 2008 Today, we march alongside women on the Million Women Rise March with solidarity and respect. We are energised [...]
October 22, 2006 0 Feminist Fightback Conference 2006 Feminist Fightback 2006, 21st October, School of Oriental and African Studies Founding Statement and Agenda [...]
October 21, 2006 0 Founding Statement 2006 Statement in support of Feminist Fightback Conference, 21st October 2006 Discrimination and exploitation at [...]