Sign up to our statement! Direct action on April 16th
Feminist Fightback have written a statement about our reproductive justice direct action on April 16th. If your organisation wants to sign up in support, let us know!
Stop the religious bigots, fight for reproductive justice!
Over the last few years right-wing religious groups have been making their presence felt outside reproductive health clinics in the UK. They hold prayer vigils, sing hymns and hold up religious icons. Their specially trained “pavement counsellors” also intimidate women, handing out dishonest and scaremongering anti-choice propaganda. They try, and sometimes succeed, in stopping women going into clinics.
We cannot let the religious right-wing take over public space. We won’t let increases in this activity go unchallenged. Anti-abortionists might have a right to express their opinion, but they don’t have a god-given right to stand outside a clinic, peddle lies and intimidate and harass people.
We believe abortion is not just about a woman’s individual “right” or “choice”. And it is not only a feminist struggle. This fight is inseparable from a bigger one — against the capitalist system and, right now, against austerity and against right-wing ideologies which promote the sanctity of the family (and a very particular model of the family at that), while working-class families are suffering from cuts to benefits and services.
As feminists, communists, anarchists, socialists, anti-capitalists and queers we recognise the importance of reproductive justice: for people to be able to decide whether or not to have children, and to have the support they need to act on this decision. We all have an interest in defending reproductive rights and services against the state and right-wing religious groups who want to control our bodies.
We want to make sure people can access clinics safely. We need to take a stand against the religious right-wing and their anti-women views by taking action.
Join us at Stratford on Saturday 16 April when one of these groups are planning a procession from a church to a local abortion clinic to harass women. Meet at Stratford East Picturehouse, London E15 at 9.30am sharp. Bring pots and pans, other noise makers, pro-choice placards. All genders welcome.
Feminist Fightback; London Antifascists; Focus E15; Fourth Wave: London Feminist Activists; RASEL (Radical Assembly South East London); Rs21 East London; AngryWorkers; Alliance for Workers’ Liberty; North London SolFed; 15 M London Women’s Assembly; Berlin-Irish Pro Choice Solidarity; x:talk project; Plan C London; Dywizjon 161; Freedom News; NCAFC Women and Non-binary caucus; Central American Women’s Network (CAWN); Southall Black Sisters; Freedom News; The Occupied Times; Festival of Choice; London IWW GMB; Unite Hotel Workers Branch; Jewdas Women; Sisters Uncut East London; ACT UP London
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