November 6, 2018 0 COURAGE CALLS FOR HEALTHCARE FOR ALL This morning, dressed as suffragettes, we changed the sign on the new Millicent Fawcett statue in Parliament [...]
August 22, 2018 0 The use of PSPO’s to protect abortion clinics from anti choice protesters: an anti-capitalist feminist response The rise of harassment tactics by the religious right outside abortion clinics is an issue Feminist Fightback [...]
July 3, 2018 0 Feminists against borders in the NHS On Sunday 1st July, Feminist Fightback joined the Patients Not Passports bloc as part of the NHS 70th [...]
April 22, 2013 0 Taking Action Against Workfare Over the past few weeks, Feminist Fightback activists have joined members of the North London Solidarity [...]
March 9, 2009 0 Bankers occupy the DWP Twenty activists dressed as bankers stage an occupation at the Department for Work and Pensions on Monday 9 [...]