Sex Education Past and Present: Study Day

Feminist Fightback will be participating in the Feminist Study Day at the
Bishopsgate Institute (E1) next week on Sat 26th May at 11am.

We have been developing materials on sex and relationship education for
teachers to use in schools. Come and hear about how were inspired by the
amazing Feminist Library Pamphlet Collection, recently donated to the
Bishopsgate Institute. This collection holds many materials from the Women’s
Liberation Movement on how to empower young people to talk about their
sexuality and relationships.
Our workshop will be part of a day long event in which different feminist
collectives talk about how they have used the history of our movement to enrich
our activism today.

11 – 11:45am – Welcome and introduction to the collection – Gail & Stefan
12 – 12:45pm – Feminist Fightback: hands-on session on reproductive rights
and sex education material.
Lunch – people to provide their own, plenty of cafes in the vicinity.
1:45 – 2:30pm – Solfed: hands-on session on sexual harassment.
2:45 – 3:45pm – Patrizia; hands-on session looking at the art and imagery
of the Women’s Liberation Movement.
4pm – Finish

To book a place: e-mail