London’s Housing Struggles

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Read the demands of March For Homes.
Read our article ‘Why the East London housing crisis is a feminist issue?‘
Read The Guardian’s article ‘Thousands gather in London to protest against lack of affordable housing‘ which features quotes from Feminist Fightback members.
Keep up-to-date by following London’s Housing Struggles blog and watching the video of the same title (embedded below).
Read Aditya Chakraborrty’s (Guardian) and Jasmin Stone’s articles for more information about the Focus E15 Mother’s campaign.
Read our article about the E15 Occupation and report of our film night held at the occupation.
Listen to ‘A Tribute to Occupy E15‘ – a song by Feminist musician & activist, iRate.
Read our article ‘Why the East London housing crisis is a feminist issue?‘
Read The Guardian’s article ‘Thousands gather in London to protest against lack of affordable housing‘ which features quotes from Feminist Fightback members.
Keep up-to-date by following London’s Housing Struggles blog and watching the video of the same title (embedded below).
Read Aditya Chakraborrty’s (Guardian) and Jasmin Stone’s articles for more information about the Focus E15 Mother’s campaign.
Read our article about the E15 Occupation and report of our film night held at the occupation.
Listen to ‘A Tribute to Occupy E15‘ – a song by Feminist musician & activist, iRate.