Cuts to Children’s Services in Tower Hamlets

Feminist Fightback are working with other parents and nursery workers in the East London borough of Tower Hamlets to produce a newsletter about cuts to children’s services in the area.

Tower Hamlets Council recently voted to introduce £30 million cuts this year followed by a further £70 million over the next 3 years. At least 39 jobs in Sure Start Centres will be axed. Some Sure Start Centres have indicated that they are going to have to start charging for services or face closure. Either way, there will be a reduction in services they can provide across the borough.

Feminist Fightback is against all the government’s cuts to public services, which we think will hit women particular hard. When the state stops paying for services such as childcare and elder care it is generally women who end up having to do this work for free. We believe good quality affordable childcare is vital for everybody in our community.

Last year we were involved in the successful fight against cuts to Hackney nurseries and now we want to make links with nursery workers and service users in Tower Hamlets. If you have a story to share, want to tell us about how cuts will affect you, or want to help design the newsletter please get in touch! Email or call 07890 209479.