Film Showing: ‘The Year of the Beaver’ 7pm on Tuesday 7th December 2010.
[callout title=The Year of the Beaver]We’ll be showing The Year of the Beaver, a documentary about the 1976 strike at the Grunwick photographic processing plant in London. The film uses interviews of the workforce of mainly Asian women and examines this special phase of history that set the stage for Thatcherism and ensuing neo-liberal policies.
Doors open for mince pies and wine at 7pm on Tuesday 7th December 2010.
Film commences at 7.30pm with time for discussion afterwards.
Venue: Centre for Possible Studies, 64 Seymour Street, London W1.
Suggested donations: £5 waged (includes free glass of wine/soft drink) / £3 unwaged.
You can turn up without booking if you wish, but it is useful for us if you let us know you are coming: please email [/callout]